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Joe Scanlan and the Broodthaers Society of America
Culturgest, Lisbon
March 14–June 22, 2025
Left: Marcel Broodthaers, Le Conquéte de l’espace, Atlas à l’usage des artistes et des militaires (1975).
Offset ink on paper, 4 x 2.7x 0.8cm. Right: Joe Scanlan, Expanded Atlas (2025). Silkscreen ink on felt,
linen binding, 48 x32 x10 cm.
Top: Joe Scanlan’s Expanded Atlas (2025).
Bottom: Marcel Broodthaers’ Atlas (1975).
Here are some working pictures of a project that just opened at Culturgest in Lisbon: an “Expanded Atlas” based on Marcel Broodthaers original from 1975, in honor of its 50th anniversary. The ridiculously oversized, silkscreen on felt version has been expanded in every way: dimensionally, geographically, politically, and alphabetically. Details in the link, full installation pictures coming soon.